Keeping The Wasps At Bay Around Your Riverside Property


Property owners in Riverside often encounter a nest containing stinging insects on their premises. Unfortunately, many of these incidents involve an individual who abruptly and unintentionally disturbs a nest and suddenly finds themselves under attack from a swarm. Some of the most common types of stinging insects found in this region include bees, hornets, and wasps.

Want to learn how to handle types of stinging insects on your property? Because of the potential health risks involved, homeowners in Riverside that notice a nest on their property should consult with a pest management professional. A Riverside pest control company employs a staff that understands stinging insect control and is properly equipped to ensure safety.

Characteristics Of Common Wasps

Some of the wasps in Riverside include paper wasps and yellow jackets. Unlike bees, wasps generally have shiny, hairless bodies with a thin “waist.” Many wasps create large, papery nests that hang from tree branches or roof overhangs. Others will form nests in voids and crevices such as ground holes, hollow trees, or within siding on the exterior of a structure.

The majority of wasp species are omnivores, meaning they consume a plant and animal-based diet. Paper wasps are generally active during the day and will eat flies, caterpillars, and other creatures. Yellow jackets often eat a mix of meats, sugars, and carbohydrates. 

Wasps offer some benefits to the overall ecosystem. For example, they help with reducing the population of many other troublesome pests and help with the pollination process.

The Dangers Wasps Can Cause On Your Property

Are wasp stings dangerous?  The majority of individuals who endure a single sting from a wasp experience mild to moderate pain and skin irritation. Unlike bees, wasps have a stinger that can sting repeatedly. The stinger contains venom, which is significantly more concerning for those with allergies.

In extreme cases, some people experience dangerous reactions called anaphylaxis and require medical attention. Some of the symptoms may include severe swelling in the facial region, hives, respiratory problems, and nausea.

Tips For Deterring Wasps On Your Property

Are you looking for answers regarding what deters wasps? Some of the most effective preventative measures to consider include the following:

  • Seal any openings or voids that develop around the exterior of the property such as in roof areas or within siding.
  • Promptly fill in any ground holes.
  • Instead of flowers, consider plants that have some repellent properties including eucalyptus, citronella, or mint.
  • Dispose of all food scraps and packaging materials after eating outdoors.

These wasp prevention methods are viable options for deterring wasps. Those who identify an active wasp nest on their property should consult with a local pest control professional.

How To Safely Remove A Wasp Infestation From Your Property

What is the best way to get rid of wasps? In these instances, seeking assistance from a local specialist that is familiar with bee and wasp removal in Riverside is strongly recommended.

The qualified experts with Compass Pest Management understand the behavior of the types of wasps and hornets that are common in this region and receive training regarding the best ways of solving these problems. After receiving your call, we will deploy a technician to the property for an initial inspection. Our specialists know the best ways of removing nests created by bees, wasps, hornets, and any other stinging insects.

As a truly full-service provider of pest management services, our professionals will assist homeowners in Riverside that are struggling with termites, mosquitoes, rodents, and a host of other burdensome creatures that may pose health-related concerns. Our organization often uses many of the latest products and application methods, some of which are recommended by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and other groups that advocate for the industry.

For professional solutions to any pest-related concerns, contact our office today.

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